If you want to know more about Viagra then this article will provide you with the answer. This article was written to he
lp you get a better understanding of what Viagra is and also to help you know if you need it or not. Finally I hope that by reading this article you will be able to understand this topic much better.
First off, Viagra is actually a mild sildenafil citrate. It is a prescription medication that has been developed as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. Basically it works by widening the blood vessels in the penis and increasing the length and the strength of the blood vessels. This means that this supplement causes the penis to become bigger.
It also causes the penis to become thicker. The only side effect of Viagra is that you have a small slight loss of erection every now and then. But if you are not taking this pill for a long time then you will lose your erection completely.
Now because of this pill’s effectiveness and its mild side effects, it is now used as an alternative to drugs that are proven to cause erectile dysfunction. Now Viagra does not affect blood circulation in any way.
Viagra is not meant to treat erectile dysfunction, but as a supplement to prevent it from happening. This is how the manufacturers marketed their product. Click here for more information about Potenzmittel
However if you have a weak erection, Viagra is not the best option for you. It will not help to make your erection stronger.
Some people believe that Viagra can be used as a weapon against an erection lasting longer than four hours. But there is no evidence that supports this theory. You should consult your doctor before using this pill.
Anyway I hope this article has given you a basic knowledge about Viagra and a little more about its benefits and side effects. Now you can decide whether you should take this pill or not. Also it should help you to know if you really need Viagra.